Friday, August 2, 2019

Hobbs & Shaw (2019) Film Review: A Blast Of Fun And Testosterone

When a genetically-enhanced assassin named Brixton is in pursuit of Deckard Shaw's sister after she has taken a deadly virus, it is up to Shaw and Luke Hobbs to keep the virus and Shaw's sister away from a seemingly unstoppable force. This is the summary of the film, which will not include spoilers whatsoever. The plot manages to work well enough as a stand-alone film without having to see the "Fast & The Furious" films as a whole. The only thing that you need context of is the bitter rivalry between Hobbs and Shaw as the film doesn't elaborate on the events of "Fast 7", which is where the duo first meet. The story is your typical buddy-cop action formula, which many moviegoers can follow easily just like I did, since I had only watched "Fate of the Furious" in the entire franchise.

All of the actors do their job in delivering the performance of the characters. Of course, Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham steal the show, thanks to their personalities and chemistry onscreen. Personally, Statham was my favourite actor in the film as Shaw is an enjoyable character due to his nature of a hardass that does have a good heart underneath his exterior. Vanessa Kirby also does a good job playing Hattie Shaw, as she manages to deliver a likeable character in her first debut in the franchise. If there was one performance that I feel disappointed with, it has to be Idris Elba as the villain. While Brixton is an intimidating villain due to his enhanced abilities, Elba seems to not have a direction with the character's personality. Perhaps if Elba played it with more charismatic energy or seriousness, Brixton wouldn't be one of the weaker elements of the film.

David Leitch did a great job directing the film. Not only were the action sequences great to watch and well-made, but other scenes such as the introductions to Hobbs and Shaw's morning routine were creatively done. The film had a style and feeling that feels unique to the franchise that rivals James Wan's directing in Fast 7. There's not much that I can say that was poorly done on Leitch's behalf. The writing can be very clever at times when it comes to the humour. My theatre was mostly empty, so I can't tell if the jokes will be extremely funny to an entire audience. For me though, a lot of the jokes land as well as the excitement from seeing certain action pieces. The score from Tyler Bates however did need more work as it was mostly generic background music during action sequences.

Overall, Hobbs & Shaw is really a film made to be the summer blockbuster in the month of August. It was made for fun, excitement, and laughs. It did its job well and it met my expectations. It might not be a smart film or the most creative in recent years, but it's good for what it is. You can't beat a good old buddy-cop formula for a time at the theatres.

Verdict: 7.5/10. Watch if you love action comedies or if you enjoy seeing Statham or Johnson onscreen

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